Qu'est-ce qu'un concert Fluxus classique ?

Un concert Fluxus de Maciunas est le résultat de la réflexion théorique de Maciunas qui, cherchant à éviter l'emprise de la connaissance et de la culture (impérialisme culturel) et de l'ennui dans un spectacle d'avant garde, a imaginé l'ossature d'une suite de 20 à 30 petites pièces qui ne durent pas plus d'une ou deux minutes chacune, au rythme rapide, net, clair, et qui évitent toujours la fiction, l'esthétisme et la théâtralité c'est-à-dire la comédie, selon lui inutile. Donc, bien qu'ils soient des spectacles créatifs possédant des ingrédients Fluxus, un spectacle "action et vie" de Vostell, un spectacle Art Total de Ben, un spectacle de poésie visuelle d'Higgins, un concert répétitif de la Monte Young etc, ne peuvent être confondus avec le concert Fluxus classique.

Fluxus score book
A simple an easy to do Fluxus score book is very necessary,
Jean Dupuy and Halbert phoned to me as to what they could play at Nantes for a small Fluxus concert, if they had the book they would not have had to phone.
In fact Ken Friedman wants to do the book too,
so he has been asking me for three years
to send him all the scores I have collected.

History about Fluxus scores
how we played them to,
how we say we played them,
and to how they think we said we played them.

About Fluxus concerts
Fluxus is supposed to be amusing,
in reality Fluxus is getting boring.
why ? Because few in the Fluxus crowd understood Maciunas fundamental statement on Fluxus having to be anti elitic and funny, instead they cannot help perfoming as primadonas hanging on to the stage as long as possible.

Fluxus concert
I had a nightmare last night ,I was in a theater assisting aFluxus concert, someone came on stage and announced "bed music for Ben Vautier ". The stage curtain was closed but on stage, behind the curtain, ten fluxus males were making love to Annie my wife, and the sounds of her fucking were being transmitted by loudspeakers to the audience in the theater.

Some Fluxus scores
claping piece (instructions)
When a piece is finished, if the public starts claping the orchestra will clap with them, but turn slowly there claping into a beat rythm, when the public will notice this they might stop claping.
But the orchestra will continue for one minute or less if at the end the public pleased starts clapping again, the flux orchestra can redo the piece. It can thus be turned into an "as long as it lasts piece".

Piano Piece for Chiari
(Right hand wants to play something, his left hand disagrees ; both hands fight to play or not to play). They finish up by slapping each other.

Piano piece for Ben
I come to the piano, start playing "Stranger in the night" ,
ten beautiful women crowed round the piano to look at me.

Piano piece for Harlequin
Sit at the piano, announce that everybody gets free a 10 dollar bill
that all they have to do is to come up to the piano and get it.

Piano piece for Eric
Sit at the grand piano, open your fly when girl gets under the piano, start playing.

Piano piece For Carolee Schneeman
Grand piano, two executants arrive with a big sheet they pull over the piano, then both executants crawl under the piano,
then they can either stay curtain goes down
or undress and through clothes out from under the piano into the audience.

Two Fluxus pieces I like

Philip Corner "plays anybody's piece and says it is by Philip Corner "

Morning Glory by Ayo
Come on stage with a glass of water take out of your pocket a tooth brush and tooth paste, then brush your teeth.

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